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2023-09-08 来源:



1. Are robots important?

Robots play a significant role in today's society. I believe that robots are important as they can automate repetitive tasks, increase productivity, and improve efficiency in various industries. They 。 。。。余下范文省略!

2. Would robots affect people's lives?

Yes, robots would definitely impact people's lives. I believe that robots can bring both positive and negative consequences. On the positive side, robots can automate mundane tasks, increase 。 。。。余下范文省略!

3. Have you ever watched a movie about robots?

Yes, I have watched movies about robots in the past. I find the concept of artificial intelligence and robotics fascinating. Movies featuring robots often delve into themes of technology, ethics, and 。 。。。余下范文省略!

4. Should we let a robot drive for us for long journeys?

Yes, we should consider letting a robot drive for us on long journeys. I understand that driving can be tiresome and sometimes lead to accidents due to human error or fatigue. Robot drivers, 。 。。。余下范文省略!

5. What can robots do for you at home?

Robots can perform a variety of tasks at home, making our lives more convenient and efficient. I would greatly benefit from their assistance. For example, robots can clean the house, saving time 。 。。。余下范文省略!




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