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2023年9-12月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting

2023-09-09 来源:

2023年9-12月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting

2023年9-12月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting

You should say:

Where it is

How you knew it

What special features it has

And explain why you think it is interesting


The first place that comes to mind as the most interesting part of China is the Chuan-Yu area, which is a combination of Sichuan Province and Chongqing City.

The area is famous for its spicy local cuisines and good-looking women. Among eight major cuisines(八大菜系) in China, the spicy Sichuan food has nowadays not only been extremely popular among all parts of the country but also especially gained popularity among young people, mainly because they love the refreshing and stimulating(新鲜、刺激感) feeling in the mouth after eating the hot food. Hotpot, for instance, is one of the most welcomed dishes today. What’s more, foreigners are often seen trying this local dish with curiosity.


Part 3

1. Do you travel a lot?

I do have the opportunity to travel quite a bit. Traveling not only provides me with a break from my studies but also allows me to explore new places, experience different cultures, and broaden ...............余下范文省略!

2. Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country?

Yes, people do have different personalities in different regions of my country. Due to variations in culture, traditions, and even dialects, there can be noticeable differences in the way people ...............余下范文省略!

3. What causes the differences between different regions of your country?

The differences between different regions of my country can be attributed to a variety of factors. One major factor is geographical variation, which includes factors such as climate, topography, and natural resources. These differences can shape the type of industries and agriculture that thrive in each region, resulting in varied economic development. Historical, cultural, and ethnic ...............余下范文省略!

4.Do youngsters like to try new things, or do people of your parents' age also like to try new things?

Both youngsters and people of my parents' age have their own inclinations towards trying new things. Generally, youngsters tend to have a greater enthusiasm for exploring new experiences, be






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