雅思口语Part1范文:The area you live in(home/apartment)
1.Do you live in a house or an apartment?
1.I’m living in an apartment now. And I’m sharing it with my best friend at college. I really enjoy living there, because the location is pretty convenient for me. But of course, owning a house is also a dream of mine. (I hope to have my own backyard where I can relax.)
2.Where are you living now?/Why do you live there?/Do you like your living place?
2.不住宿舍:I’m living in an apartment in downtown Shanghai. I have two roommates. They share the same apartment with me. It’s a nice place to live because the rent is very cheap for a young guy like me. Plus, it’s close to my workplace. That’s the main reason why I’ve been living there for a long time.
住宿舍(学生):I’m living in a dorm at my university now. I have 3roommates. We share the same room together. It’s a nice place to live because the rent for students is very cheap.
3.How is the area surrounding your home like?/Are there any good facilities nearby you home?
3.Well, you know, I’m living in a university dorm, so the building I live in is past of the campus. There’s a cafeteria building near our dorm, and it also has a supermarket inside. So it’s really convenient for me to live there.
4.What are the changes of surroundings around your living place?
4.Well...over the past few years, there have been lots of high-rise building built in my neighbourhood. Besides, an outdoor gym was built about two years ago near my home. I always work out there.
5.What changes do you think your neighbourhood/living area need?
5.Um...I think my neighborhood is good, but it would be better if there was a subway station near my home. Now the closest subway station is about 3 kilometers away, so it's a little far from me.I heard the city plans to extend a subway line to the street next to my home. I hope it's true.
6.Do you have friends living nearby?/What do people living nearby do?Do you know some of them?
6.Yes, I do.Actually,I have a coworker, also a close friend of mine, living in the same apartment building as me.It's a high rise apartment so I guess there are tons of people living in it. Honestly,even though I've been living there for a long time,I've only gotten to know the neighbor girl living across the hallway.She is a teacher at a primary school nearby.
7.What are your roommates like?
7.Well, now I have two roommates sharing the same apartment with me.They are pretty cool. And I'd say I'm glad to live with them. All three of us love playing video games, so we have a lot to talk about and do together. For example, we have a game night together every Saturday.
8.How long have you lived there?
8.I've been living there for over three years. Even though I have to share a room with three roommates,luckily they’re all easy-going and nice, so we get along well with each other.
9.Will you move home in the near future?
9.Well, I don't know if I will be moving anytime soon. But I hope not.I've been living in an apartment for several years. It's a comfortable place and the rent is also very low. But sometimes it's not up to me, I might need to work at a far place later. Who knows, right?
10.What is your favourite room?
10.My favorite room in my home is definitely my bedroom. I spend most of my time in my bedroom. It has all my favorite stuff in it, like my books, and I decorated it by myself. That really makes me feel at home-literally! It’s important to have somewhere you can just relax.
1.Do you like the area that you live in?
Yes, I really like the area l live in. Since I live in the city centre, there are a lot of shops, parks as well as bus stations near my home. It is really a fantastic place to live.
2.What are some changes in the area recently?
Recently there was a bookshop in the shopping mall, but it closed about three years ago because of the influences caused by online shops. What a pity! Besides, there is a big cinema that will be opened to the public within two months. I am looking forward going to this cinema to watch films with my friends.
3. Do you know any famous people in your area?
Yes, of course I do. There was an official called Xuguangqi who worked in my living area. He translated a lot of foreign books which had great influence on the development of science and technology in my country. He was really a great person.
4. Where do you like to go in that area?
When I am free, I would like go to the shopping centre with my friends. We often enjoy tasty meals and chat with each other. Sometimes I am willing to play basketball in the sports park to keep fit.
5. Would you like to change the area you live? Why?
To be honest, I have no plan to change the place I live. Since I have lived there for over twenty years, I have made many close friends with whom I had countless experiences. In addition, the environment of my living area is perfect, for the air is fresh and there is a park that I can have exercise to strengthen my body.
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