2022年5-8月雅思口语Part1新题范文:Collecting things
1. Do you collect things?
Not really. I don’t like to keep many things in the house. In fact, I like my place to be neat and simple. I only keep things that are necessary to me, and will get rid of them once I find them redundant. Yeah, well, perhaps that’s not very eco-friendly. But I really am not into making collections.
2. Are there any things you keep from childhood?
Yeah, there are a few toys that I still keep. But they are in my parents’ house. One of them is a mouth organ which you blow with your mouth. 。。。。余下范文省略!
3. Would you keep old things for a long time? Why?
It depends on what it is. If it’s a piece of antique, of course, I would! In fact, there’s an antique chair in my place that was hand-made by my great-grandfather. 。。。。余下范文省略!
4. Where do you usually keep things you need?
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