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雅思口语Part2&3范文:Describe a historical building

2020-08-25 来源:ielts.socool100.com

雅思口语Part2&3范文:Describe a historical building

雅思口语Part2&3范文:Describe a historical building

You should say:

Where it is

What it looks like

What it is used for now

What you learned there

And how you felt about this


What I am about to describe is a building that once marked cultural and historical apex but that has now fallen into obscurity. That’s right; it’s the Confucius Temple, Confucius residence while he was living. It’s located in Qufu, a small town in central Shandong Province. Like any other temple, it has got a lobby beyond the entrance, with the portrait of Confucius hung on the wall. There are three bedrooms on either side of the lobby, but that area has become off-limits to tourists, so I didn’t really get a peek of that. Though the building has been standing for thousands of years, it has been subject to multiple renovations in recent decades that gave the building a semblance of modernity. I have to resort to my imagination to picture what it originally looked like.




1)Do Chinese people like to visit historical buildings?

Sample answer:

They are crazy about those cultural relics. On public holidays, these places are packed with travelers of all sorts: children, old age, and foreigners. What Chinese travelers like to do most is to take far more photos than necessary of the view. Even well before the holiday season, one can be sure that these places would be incredibly crowded.

2)Why do people visit historical buildings?

3)Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?

4)Do most people agree to the government’s funding to protect historical buildings?


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