雅思口语Part2&3范文:Describe an advertisement you remember well
You should say:
Where you saw it
What it was about
What it was like
Why you remember it well
I’d like to talk about the most memorable advertisement I’ve ever seen. Well, I’m exaggerating things here a bit, because I hardly remember any other ads to be honest - I mean, commercial ads, of course. But I do remember this one as it is different, - it’s actually a job advertisement.
I can’t remember exactly when I saw it, as it’s been quite a while, at least for a couple of years. I read it from somewhere online that there was a job vacancy for being a professional hotel test sleeper in a number of luxury hotels. At that point, it was the first time I’d ever heard of such a job when hotel testers, back then, were still quite rare. So straight away the title caught my attention, and as I found more about the job descriptions, my mind was blown off. It said that the selected candidate would be able to travel around the world staying in beds of some of boutique hotels with all the travel expense covered. Sleeping on the job and 。。。。余下范文省略!
1) Why do some people hate advertisements?
Sample answer:
Well, there could be a number of reasons I’d say. Obviously, people dislike ads as they are absolute spoilers----no, kidding, I mean, they spoil the TV programmes for sure. Imagine when you are just expecting to find out if the suspect was truly the murder, then a long commercial of chocolate began to be shown. It could be such a nuisance. Then, video ads online are less disturbing as they can be shut off. But still, they are overly distracting. Above all, ads are unbearable simply because they are ubiquitous, they are literally everywhere. So I guess some people hate this pervasive nature of ads.
2) Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?
3) Is music useful in advertising?
4) What are the advantages of TV advertisements?
5) How about internet advertisements?
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