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2021年5-8月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a (iigsaw) puzzle 

2021-05-06 来源:

2021年5-8月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a (iigsaw) puzzle 

2021年5-8月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a (iigsaw) puzzle

Describe a (iigsaw) puzzle

You should say:

What it is like

How easy or difficult it is

How long it takes you to solve

And how you feel about it


if my memory serves me(如果我没记错的话), when I was in middle school, my best friend sent me a jigsaw puzzle named Shuwubai sheet map of China(中国地图拼图) as a birthday gift. He knew the fact that my sense of direction was relatively weak so that my score of geography could drag the total marks down(拖后腿). He hoped that this jigsaw puzzle would help improve my knowledge of geography

This box puzzle is relatively old and simple to today’s teenagers’ minds, but it has always been my favorite one. All the puzzle pieces include many different combination such as provinces, mountains and rivers of China. If you have a clear picture of(清楚了解)geographical knowledge of China, it will take you ten minutes to finish it. However if you don’t, it will need you to spend 。。。。。余下雅思口语范文省略



1: why do parents let their children play puzzles?

Undoubtedly, puzzles can act as an ideal channel and platform to release their stress and kill boring time. in addition, the puzzles give their children a golden chance to step away from electronic devices, which is an absolute blessing(肯定是好事)..

2:What kinds of puzzles improve people’s intelligence?


3:Why are mysterious stories attractive to people?






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