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2021年5-8月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe an activity near water

2021-05-07 来源:

2021年5-8月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe an activity near water

2021年5-8月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe an activity near water

Describe an activity near water

You should say:

What it is

When you did this activity

How you did it

And explain how you feel about it


Well, when talking about a leisure activity near or on the sea, I would like to share this with you.

I am a person who ! adores(喜欢)! water sports, and diving is extremely popular around the whole world nowadays. Just imagine diving into that world and exploring the mysterious(神秘的) and vast ocean, anyone would get excited.

The most exciting traveling experience for me was the one in Phuket Island, Thailand, where I experienced diving for the first time in my life with my best friends last year. Phuket Island is located off the west coast of Thailand, this pure tropical paradise(乐园) has great diving for novices(新手) and experienced divers alike, and it remains as one of the best diving locations in the world with crystal clear water, beautiful white sandy beaches, swaying palm trees and fabulous(非常棒的) dive sites.



1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of vacations to the seaside?

The advantage is that you can see beautiful scenery anytime and anywhere, and you can appreciate the beauty of the beach, so you will be in a good mood all the time. Furthermore, there are very few heavy industries by the sea and the seawater has a heat storage effect, so the air quality around it is relatively good. The temperature difference between morning and evening is not big, so vacationing here will be very comfortable. However, the seaside is relatively humid, and some people may not be used to it when traveling at the seaside for the first time. If the surrounding facilities are not perfect, the cost of living will be very high and the convenience of life will be affected as well.

2.Why do people like spending time at the sea?


3.Why do children like the sea better than adults?


4.What types of job roles can be found on or near the sea?





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