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2021年9-12月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go

2021-09-09 来源:

2021年9-12月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go

2021年9-12月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go

Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go

You should say:

Who you would like to go with

Where you would like to go

When you would like to go

And explain why you would like to go by bicycle/motorcycle/car


My dreaming bicycle trip would be in Kenting, Taiwan. Though I have been to Taiwan before with my parents, it was with a travel group(旅行团), whose experience is different from that of traveling by oneself. With the travel group, we took a bus everywhere we went. On the bus we were always napping because of tiredness caused by the tight schedule (紧张的行程), ignoring the beautiful scenery (美丽的风景) along the way. It kind of killed all the fun(没乐趣) so I always wanted to try something different. I heard about the idea of taking a bicycle trip from my close friends as our graduation trip (毕业旅行) and thought that would be an excellent plan.


Part 3

1.Which form of vehicle is more popular in your country, bikes, cars or motorcycles?

What it is really hard to rate it properly. I could not say which is more prevalent, cuz literally private cars and motorcycles are everywhere. Commuters are frequently stuck in traffic jams, particularly in rush hours, because of numerous accidents caused by motorcycles sneaking across the lanes. And if you open the mapping apps during commuting hours you will absolutely find the streets all in red. Well as for bicycles, a large number of students would like to cycle to school, since in China there are many shared ones that charge pretty low.

2.Do you think people need to change the way of transportation drastically to protect the environment?





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