2022年1-4月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a course that impressed you a lot
You should say:
What the course was about
Where you took the course
What you did during the course
And explain why it impressed you a lot
I’m going to talk about a course about finance I took on the website Coursera this June. Well, it took me three months to finally complete the course, ‘cause I was frequently quizzed during the course,(听课过程中不断有小测试) and was required to hand in homework at the end of every chapter of the course. I also wrote two papers to send in at the end of the course.
So anyways, the full name of the course was Financial Market. I was initially attracted to it ‘cause the lecturer was Robert Shriller, from Yale University. And he was a Nobel Prize winner!(诺贝尔奖得主) Well, I’ve always been interested in finance, and in fact, I majored in finance in college. I’ve always been looking for high-quality lectures about finance. Though most financial courses are full of data(数据) and equations(公式). In another word, they are usually dull. (很无趣) However, Shiller made it so easy to understand. He used somedayto- day stories to explain the complicated financial equations. Before that course, I was always so put off by those rigid 。。。。。余下雅思口语范文省略!
Part 3
1. Why do some people have better memory?
Well, a good memory is a gift. I think some people just were born with a large neuro space where they can store a great quantity of data, whereas some were not. I’ve met people who can memorize things quickly and firmly. You’d be amazed how they could store so much information in their head so quickly! 。。。。。余下雅思口语范文省略!
2. Do people like things of memorial significance?
That depends on individual preferences, I’d say. To some people, anything of special meaning is treasure to them. They take very good care of them and like to share the stories behind their precious items. They are certainly fond of things of memorial significance. Whereas, there is also a type of people who believe that simplicity is more and better. 。。。。。余下雅思口语范文省略!
3. Which can help people remember things better, words or photos?
I believe that words are abstract and rather difficult for the brain to retain, whereas visuals are concrete and, as such, more easily to be remembered. For example, we can hardly think about our past school days and what set of new words we have learned each week. In contrast, by looking at the photos we took years ago when we participated in an important event, even thought we forget the details or even the whole thing, as soon as 。。。。。余下雅思口语范文省略!
4. Can technology help people remember things better? How?
Yes, technology helps people remember things and with the assistance of electronic devices including smart phones, ipad, laptops and so on, we’re able to remember things much better. In my case, a few days ago, I logged into my computer and then received a notification from Siri, you know my “personal assistant” on my iPhone. The message said something like “Today is Dad’s birthday.” To be honest, at that moment, I’m a 。。。。。余下雅思口语范文省略!
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