2023年1-4月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a gift you got
You should say:
What it is
How you got it
What you did
And explain how you felt about it
Speaking of gifts I got, the most impressive one is a book from my friend Lily, she gave it to me as a birthday gift. It is called Dong Mu Chang, which means the meadows in the winter. Lily told me that I will be cheered up after reading this book.
The book displays a beautiful winter painting of a Kazak family’s life in Xinjiang. Due to the freezing weather and hostile environment, sustaining a basic life in the winter seems to wear them out(使……筋疲力尽). However, there are still lots of fun and great times to cherish apart from tedious work. Somehow, it is precisely the evanescence of this happiness that evokes the reconfirmation of life and the feeling of living.
Part 3
1. 1.Should employees have their own goals?
Yes, I think they should. Humans are creative beings, they like to dream. Research has proven that autonomy increases the level of happiness. If they are set to fulfill a goal that has nothing to do with themselves, they will lose motivation and feel bad about life. Hence, employees are supposed to have their own goals. It is ok to have a work-connected goal or not, the point is that the 。。。。。余下范文省略!
2. How should bosses reward employees?
Rewarding employees when they do a great job or company goals are met makes them feel appreciated and important. Employees are more likely to react in a positive work environment and produce better work. I have several ideas about rewarding employees effectively.。。。。。余下范文省略!
3. What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?
As one of the young people myself, I would say that I am really picky about gifts as rewards. From my perspective, I hold that good gifts do boost the overall productivity and output of the organization but bad gifts will backfire. For example, I hate to be rewarded with a team trip. Because I do not want to spend my precious leisure time with colleagues and my boss.。。。。。余下范文省略!
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