2023年9-12月雅思口语Part2范文:Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information
You should say:
When you got it
How you got it
How you found it was incorrect And explain how you felt about it
Last term, I was chosen as an exchange student in Spain. I had my heart set on (梦寐以求) studying abroad before I was a freshman. I was on cloud nine (高兴到九霄云外) when I knew that I could be an exchange student.
I started to search how to apply for a student visa online. There was a blog which said that it is compulsory to submit the certification of birth for your visa. It was said to be time-consuming(耗时的). Not only did I need to go to the hospital where I was born, but I also had to go to two different departments, including the population statistics department and notarial office(公证处). I breathed a sigh of ...............余下范文省略!
Part 3
1. Why don't people trust information on the Internet?
People do not trust information on the Internet for several reasons. Firstly, the widespread availability of fake news and misinformation has made it challenging to differentiate between authentic and unreliable sources. Secondly,...............余下范文省略!
2. What jobs provide information to others?
Many jobs involve providing information to others, such as librarians who help people find resources and books, teachers who educate students on various subjects, journalists who report news and events, public speakers who share knowledge and insights, researchers who discover new information about different fields, and customer service representatives who offer assistance and ...............余下范文省略!
3. What's the difference between e-mail and phone in terms of providing information?Email and phone have different ways of providing information. Email is a written communication that allows for more detailed and precise information to be shared. It allows the sender to organize their thoughts...............余下范文省略!
4. Which do you think is the better way to provide information, by phone or by email?
I believe that the best way to provide information depends on the context and the nature of the information. If the information is detailed and requires clarity, email may be the better option. On the other hand, if the information is urgent or personal, a phone call may be more appropriate. ...............余下范文省略!
5. How do people judge the accuracy of information?
People judge the accuracy of information by evaluating its source, credibility, and consistency with other sources. The reputation and expertise of the source can influence how accurate people perceive the information to be. Additionally, people may evaluate whether the information is logical, scientifically sound, or supported by evidence. They may also compare the information with what they already know and assess whether...............余下范文省略!
6. How do people make sure they're getting the right information?
People can make sure they are getting the right information by utilizing multiple sources. By cross-referencing information between credible sources, people can verify accuracy and reduce the risk of getting ...............余下范文省略!
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