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雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:History of timekeeping

2021-11-22 来源:

雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:History of timekeeping

雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:History of timekeeping

Ever since man first noticed the regular movement of the Sun and the stars, we have wondered about the passage of time. Prehistoric people first recorded the phases of the Moon some 30000 years ago, and recording time has been a way by which humanity has observed the heavens and represented the progress of civilization.

The earliest natural events to be recognized were in the heavens, but during the course of the year there were many other events that indicated significant changes in the environment Seasonal winds and rains, the flooding of rivers, the flowering of trees and plants, and the breeding cycles or migration of animals and birds, all led to natural divisions of the year, and further observation and local customs led to the recognition of the seasons. Egyptian shadow clocks divided daytime into 12 parts with each part further divided into more precise parts. One type of shadow clock consisted of a long stem with five variable marks and an elevated crossbar which cast a shadow over those marks. It was positioned eastward in the morning, and w as turned west at noon. Obelisks functioned in much the same manner: the shadow cast on the markers around it allowed the Egyptians to calculate the time. The obelisk also indicated whether it was morning or afternoon, as well as the summer and winter solstices. 1500 BCE, was similar in shape to a bent T-square. It measured the passage of time by the shadow cast by its crossbar on a non-linear rule. The T was oriented eastward in the mornings, and turned around at noon, so that it could cast its shadow in the opposite direction. Although accurate, shadow clocks relied on the sun, and so were useless at night and in cloudy weather.

Inventions for measuring and regulating time

The early inventions were made to divide the day or the night into different periods in order to regulate work of ritual, so the lengths of the time periods varied greatly from place to place and from one culture to another.

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Questions 1-4

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1 ?

In boxes1-4 on your answer sheet, write

YES if the statement is true

NO if the statement is false

NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage

1. Timkeepefs exact date of origin was not clear today.

2. People use candles and oil lamps for recording time to do things in the early days.

3. Oil lamps are used for religious beliefs in 4000BCE.

4. The sundials have always been inaccurate to record time in ancient Egypt.

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