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2019年12月12日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:The future of the World's Language

2022-06-22 来源:

2019年12月12日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:The future of the World's Language

2019年12月12日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:The future of the World's Language

Of the world’s 6,500 living languages, around half are expected to the out by the end of this century, according to UNESCO. Just 11 are spoken by more than half of the earth’s population, so it is little wonder that those used by only a few are being left behind as we become a more homogenous, global society. In short, 95 percent of the world’s languages are spoken by only five percent of its population—a remarkable level of linguistic diversity stored in tiny pockets of speakers around the world. Mark Turin, a university professor, has launched WOLP (World Oral Language Project) to prevent the language from the brink of extinction.

He is trying to encourage indigenous communities to collaborate with anthropologists around the world to record what he calls “oral literature” through video cameras, voice recorders and other multimedia tools by awarding grants from a £30,000 pot that the project has secured this year. The idea is to collate this literature in a digital archive that can be accessed on demand and will make the nuts and bolts of lost cultures readily available.

For many of these communities, the oral tradition is at the heart of their culture. The stories they tell are creative as well as communicative. Unlike the languages with celebrated written traditions, such as Sanskrit, Hebrew and Ancient Greek, few indigenous communities have recorded their own languages or ever had them recorded until now.



Questions 27-31

Complete the summary using the list of words, A-J, below.

Write the correct letter, A-J, in boxes 27-31 on your answer sheet.

Of the world’s 6,500 living languages, about half of them are expected to be extinct. Most of the world’s languages are spoken by a 27 ____________ of people. However, Professor Turin set up a project WOLP to prevent 28 ____________ of the languages. The project provides the community with 29 ____________ to enable people to record their endangered languages. The oral tradition has great cultural 30 ____________. An important 31 ____________ between languages spoken by few people and languages with celebrated written documents existed in many communities.

A  similarity  B  significance  C  funding  D  minority  E  education             F  difference  G  education  H  diversity  I majority   J  disappearance


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