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2022-06-22 来源:



A. Koalas are just too nice for their own good. And except for the occasional baby taken by birds of prey, koalas have no natural enemies. In an ideal world, the life of an arboreal couch potato would be perfectly safe and acceptable.

B. Just two hundred years ago, koalas flourished across Australia. Now they seem to be in decline, but exact numbers are not available as the species would not seem to be “under threat”. Their problem, however, has been man, more specifically, the white man. Koala and aborigine had co-existed peacefully for centuries.

C. Today koalas are found only in scattered pockets of southeast Australia where they seem to be at the risk on several fronts. The koala's only food source, the eucalyptus tree,has declined. In the past 200 years, a third of Australia's eucalyptus forests have disappeared. Koalas have been killed by parasites, chlamydia epidemics and a tumour-causing retro-virus. And every year 11000 are killed by cars, ironically most of them in wildlife sanctuaries, and thousands are killed by poachers. Some are also taken illegally as pets. The animals usually soon die, but they are easily replaced.

D. Bush fires pose another threat. The horrific ones that raged in New South Wales recently Killed between 100 and 1000 Koalas. Many that were taken into sanctuaries and shelters were found to have burnt their paws on the glowing embers .But zoologists say that the species should recover. The Koalas will be aided by the eucalyptus, which grows quickly and is already burgeoning forth after the fires. So the main problem to their survival is their slow reproductive rate - they produce only one baby a year over a reproductive lifespan of about nine years.



1. The main reason why koala declined is that

A by captivity

B by diseases they got

C killed on the road

D low birth rate


2. How can koalas fully digest their food?

A toxic substance in the leaves

B organs that dissolve the fibres

C remaining inactive for a period to digest

D eating eucalyptus trees


3. What would koalas do when facing the dangerous situation?

A show signs of being offended

B counter attack furiously

C use sharp claws to rip the man

D fake death


4. In what ways Australian zoos exploit koalas?

A make them as "animal ambassador"

B put them on the trees as a symbol

C allow tourists to cuddle the koalas

D establish a koala campaign


5. What does the author think about the government policy on Koalas?

A introduce koala protection guide lines

B close some of the zoos

C encourage people to resist visiting the zoos

D persuade the public to learn more knowledge





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  • 2021年11月6日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:Koalas
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