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2022-06-23 来源:



A. An optical illusion refers to a visually perceived image that is deceptive or misleading in that information transmitted from the eye to the brain is processed in a way that the related assumption or deduction does not represent the true physical reality. Our perceptions of what we think we see can be influenced by a number of external factors; ‘illusions’ can be classified into two main categories these being ‘physiological illusions’ and ‘cognitive’ illusions, the latter category can then be divided again into four sub-types.

B. Physiological illusions occur as a result of excessive stimulation of the eyes and brain which leads to a temporary state of confusion and mixed messages. For example, after exposure to extremely vivid lights, the eyes may need time to adapt and immediately after the stimulus, we may see things that would not be the norm. In the same way a contingent perceptual after-effect may be experienced after staring at a particular colour and the receptors in the brain may process subsequent colours inaccurately until overload has passed.

C. Cognitive illusions, on the other hand, are said to arise not as a result of neurone activity as with the aforementioned category, but due to assumptions we may consciously make based on our knowledge and experience of the world. The four categories of cognitive illusion are ‘ambiguous’ illusions, ‘distorting’ illusions ‘paradox’ illusions and ‘fictional’ illusions. Inclusion of ‘fictional’ illusions into the cognitive group is somewhat misleading; however, as this type of illusion is unique in that it is only seen by an individual in a given situation and exists in no tangible form. A fictional illusion is in reality a hallucination which arises as a result of drug use or a brain condition such as schizophrenia.


Questions 1-3

Answer the questions below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.

1 What type of illusion is a result of interference with neurone activity?

2 Which two factors influence the way we process information on a cognitive level?

3 Which theory holds that individuals see only the true reality of a situation?


Questions 4-8

According to the information in Reading Passage, classify the following as relating to

A. Fictional illusions

B. Paradox illusions

C. Distorting illusions

D. Ambiguous illusions

Write the correct letter A-D in boxes 4-8 on your answer sheet.

4 may be perceived differently by individuals of diverse ethnic origin

5 may override our natural ability to make rational judgement

6 may be interpreted differently even by the same subject

7 may result due to chemical stimulation

8 has been used to question the validity of arguments in a different field


Questions 9-13

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write your answers in boxes 21-25 on your answer sheet.

9. Fictional illusions

A may eventually lead to schizophrenia.

B are the only type which are completely subjective.

C are very similar to paradox illusions.

D are typical of cognitive illusions.


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