雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:effort and science to win
A. In Mexico, the Medicine Direction and .Applied Sciences of the National Commission of Deporte analyses all aspects of sports science from the role of the auditory system in sporting achievement to die power of the mind and its role in the ability to win. Everything, it seems, is open to scrutiny. Recently, the focus has been evaluating the visual acuity of cyclists and long distance runners but they also focus on the more traditional areas of sports research, among them psychology, nutrition, anthropology, biochemistry and odontology1. From budding child athletes as young as 9 to the more mature-aged sportsperson, the facility at Deporte has attracted some of Mexico’s most famous sporting and Olympic hopefuls.
B. “The study of elite athletes is now more scientific than ever” says doctor Francisco Javier Squares, “after each competition, athletes are exposed to vigorous medical examinations and follow-up training in order to help US arrive at a program that is tailor-made. “The modern athlete has become big business, no longer is there a one-size-fits-all approach. For example, in the past two people both 1.70 meters tall and weighing 70 kilograms would have been given the same program of athletic conditioning – now this idea is obsolete. It may be that the first individual has 35 kgs of muscle and 15 kgs of fat and the other person, although the same height and weight may have 30 kgs of muscle and 20 kgs of fat. Through detailed scientific evaluation here at our facility in Deporte,” says Squares, “… we are able to construct a very specific training programme for each individual.”
C. Whereas many countries in die world focus on the elevation of the glorious champion, the Mexican Olympic team takes a slightly different approach. Psychologically speaking an athlete must bring to his endeavour a healthy dose of humility. As Squares said, “When an athlete wins for Mexico, it is always as a result of a combined team effort with many people operating behind the scenes to realise the sporting achievement. When an athlete stands on the dais, it is because of great effort on the part of many.”
Questions 1-4
The passage has eight paragraphs labelled A-F
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-F in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
1 the natural process of oxygen production
2 standard after-competition procedure
3 the areas of study undertaken to improve athletic performance
4 the Mexican viewpoint on winning
Questions 5-7
Choose the correct letter A, B, C, or D.
Write your answers in boxes 5-7 on your answer sheet.
5.The hyperbaric chamber
A . helps athletes to breathe more easily.
B . increases the level of oxygen an athlete breathes.
C . decreases the pressure of the oxygen for Mexican athletes.
D . speeds up recovery time for athletes.
6.The electroencephalograph (EEC)
A . measures how fast brainwaves move during exercise.
B . helps doctors to determine heart problems.
C . measures how hard the heart works during exercise.
D . strengthens the heart muscle in athletes.
7.The life-span of individuals in Mexico has increased due to
A . medical improvements.
B . more committed doctors.
C . better made sporting equipment.
D . advances in ergonomics.
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