雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:Antarctic Research
A little over a century ago, men of the ilk of Scott, Shackleton and Mawson battled against Antarctica’s blizzards, cold and deprivation. In the name of Empire and in an age of heroic deeds they created an image of Antarctica that was to last well into the 20th century – an image of remoteness, hardship, bleakness and isolation that was the province of only the most courageous of men. The image was one of a place removed from everyday reality, of a place with no apparent value to anyone.
As we enter the 21st century, our perception of Antarctica has changed. Although physically Antarctica is no closer and probably no warmer, and to spend time there still demands a dedication not seen in ordinary life, the continent and its surrounding ocean are increasingly seen to an integral part of Planet Earth, and a key component in the Earth System. Is this because the world seems a little smaller these days, shrunk by TV and tourism, or is it because Antarctica really does occupy a central spot on Earth’s mantle? Scientific research during the past half-century has revealed – and continues to reveal – that Antarctica’s great mass and low temperature exert a major influence on climate and ocean circulation, factors which influence the lives of millions of people all over the globe.
Antarctica was not always cold. The slow break-up of the super-continent Gondwana with the northward movements of Africa, South America, India and Australia eventually created enough space around Antarctica for the development of an Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), that flowed from west to east under the influence of the prevailing westerly winds. Antarctica cooled, its vegetation perished, glaciation began and the continent took on its present-day appearance. Today the ice that overlies the bedrock is up to 4km thick, and surface temperatures as low as – 89.2deg C have been recorded. The icy blast that howls over the ice cap and out to sea – the so-called katabatic wind – can reach 300 km/hr, creating fearsome wind-chill effects.
Questions 1-5
The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-F
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-F, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.
1 The example of research on weather prediction on agriculture
2 Antarctic sea ice brings life back to the world oceans’ vitality.
3 A food chain that influences the animals living pattern based on Antarctic fresh sea ice
4 The explanation of how atmosphere pressure above Antarctica can impose an effect on global climate change
5 Antarctica was once thought to be a forgotten and insignificant continent
Question 6-8
Please match the natural phenomenon with correct determined factor
Choose the correct answer from the box;
Write the correct letter A-F, in boxes 6-8 on your answer sheet.
6. Globally, mass Antarctica’s size and 6___ influence climate change
7. 7 ____contributory to western wind
8. Southern Oscillation Index based on air pressure can predict 8___ in Australia
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