雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:illegal downloads
Downloading music from the internet has become a simple, fast and easy thing to do. The correct or legal way of going about it seems to be ignored by those who find it too costly. Illegal music downloads have reached an all time high, and a recent survey of high school students revealed an estimated 3.6 billion songs being downloaded per month. There are now endless possibilities available to the public where music can be downloaded for free and people are choosing to take this route even though it is illegal. iTunes is one of the most well known sites where music can be bought legally for just over 51 per track. So when it is this cheap why are people still going to alternative unauthorized sites? Or is the legal route still considered a costly way to go about it?
If you think that copying music results in simply a slap on the wrist, think twice. Under government law, record companies are entitled to $750 to $30,000 per infringement but the law allows the jury to increase that to as much as $150,000 per song if it finds the infringements were deliberate. The music industry has threatened about 35,000 people with charges of copyright Infringement over the past decade. In recent months there have been more cases of music piracy heading to the courts. The industry estimates that more than a hundred of these cases remain unsettled in court, with fewer than 10 offenders actively arguing the case against them. The penalties for breaching the copyright act differ slightly depending upon whether the infringing is for commercial or private financial gain, with the latter punishment being far milder.
Nonetheless, the potential gain from illegal downloading versus the punitive measures that can be taken are, in many cases, poles apart. Recently, an American woman shared 27 illegally downloaded songs with her friends and was ordered to pay $1.92 million to the record company for deliberate infringement of the companies’ copyrights. More recently in America a 12 year old girl was sued for downloading music illegally and could face a penalty of $1150per song. The order of payment from the courts to the American woman who shared the 27 tracks with her friends has spurred controversy as the public disagree with the ordered Infringement. The woman shared 27 songs at $1.99 per song, so should she be liable to pay such a large and impossible amount?
It has also been noted that of all measures that can be taken, fining is actually the least likely method of preventing further abuse. With driving, for example, statistics have shown that those that repeatedly drive over the speed limit are not discouraged by the loss of a sum of money, but this attitude quickly changed when the penalty was possibly losing their driving licence or even spending time in prison.
Questions 12-16
The reading passage has eight paragraphs, A-H.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Type the correct letter A-H in boxes 12-16.
12 _____________ The disparity between fines and costs
13 _____________CDEFGH The potential costs of piracy to the defendant
14 _____________ The number of songs illegally obtained from the internet
15 _____________ Ambivalence towards the problem
16 _____________ A reprieve for illegal downloaders
Questions 17-20
Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 17 – 20 on your answer sheet.
The maximum fine that a record company can impose is 17 ________________
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