2013年5月18日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案: Mobile Phones and Driving
A. Though once perceived a luxury cell phones have become a common possession over the last ten years or so. Due to modern day technology and public demand cell phones have been made affordable to most. However, one of the most controversial topics of today is whether or not we should be using our cell phones whilst driving, Does it pose a danger to ourselves and other drivers? Or doesn’t it make any difference to the likelihood of an accident.
B. Several countries around the world have already imposed a national Jaw with heavy infringements. More recently the UK, Australia and Finland have joined the ranks of countries opposing this very hazardous act, with Ireland imposing the harshest penalties on the continent (a third offence can mean 3 months imprisonment). Also in Europe, the Netherlands is fining offenders 2000 Euros and 2 weeks in jail.
C. This dangerous distraction contributes largely to motor vehicle accidents and the statistics are Increasing daily as we continue to take our eyes off the road to call or even more dangerously text. Research by road safety groups suggests speaking on a phone whilst driving increases your chances of an accident, increasing to nine times more likely when texting. Time and again, in study after study replicated across the world, the use of a cell phone by the driver has been proven, beyond any sense of reasonable doubt, to dramatically increase the probability of a motor vehicle crash.
D. In New Zealand, a proposal made by a previous Labour led Government suggests a $50 fine and 27 demerit points for any person using a cell phone whilst driving, although the Ministry of Transport is still preparing a report based on public consultation. Although this is only a pending idea, the government knows this will be a difficult infringement to police but a start needs to be made and people need to understand the consequences of what potentially could happen. It is a common misconception that hands free kits are safe to use, but research conducted by Waikato University has proven that these can be equally as dangerous as hand held phones.
Questions 1-6
Reading Passage 1 has seven paragraphs A – G.
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B – G from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number i-x in boxes 1-6.
List of Headings
i Impact of mobile phones in hazards
ii Texting statistics
iii International reactions
iv Further research required
v Evidence from around the globe
vi Challenges of enforcement
vii Global agreement on penalties
viii Contradictory data
ix Risks of talking to passengers
x Balancing the risks
1 ____________ Paragraph B
2 ____________ Paragraph C
3 ____________ Paragraph D
4 ____________ Paragraph E
5 ____________ Paragraph F
6 ____________ Paragraph G
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