It is often more difficult for outsiders and non-sufferers to understand mental rather than physical illness in others. While it may be easy for us to sympathise with individuals living with the burden of a physical illness or disability, there is often a stigma attached to being mentally ill, or a belief that such conditions only exist in individuals who lack the strength of character to cope with the real world. The pressures of modern life seem to have resulted in an increase in cases of emotional disharmony and government initiatives in many countries have, of late, focussed on increasing the general public’s awareness and sympathy towards sufferers of mental illness and related conditions.
Clinical depression, or ‘major depressive disorder’, a state of extreme sadness or despair, is said to affect up to almost 20% of the population at some point in their lives prior to the age of 40. Studies have shown that this disorder is the leading cause of disability in North America; in the UK almost 3 million people are said to be diagnosed with some form of depression at any one time, and experts believe that as many as a further 9 million other cases may go undiagnosed. World Health Organisation projections indicate that clinical depression may become the second most significant cause of disability’ on a global scale by 2020. However, such figures are not unanimously supported, as some experts believe that the diagnostic criteria used to identify՛ the condition are not precise enough, leading to other types of depression being wrongly classified as ‘clinical’.
Many of us may experience periods of low morale or mood and feelings of dejection, as a natural human response to negative events in our lives such as bereavement, redundancy or breakdown of a relationship. Some of us may even experience periods of depression and low levels of motivation which have no tangible reason or trigger. Clinical depression is classified as an on-going state of negativity, with no tangible cause, where sufferers enter a spiral of persistent negative thinking, often experiencing irritability, perpetual tiredness and listlessness. Sufferers of clinical depression are said to be at higher risk of resorting to drug abuse or even suicide attempts than the rest of the population.
Questions 1-5
Reading Passage 1 has seven sections A-G.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letters A-G in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.
1 ______________ Details of treatment alternatives for worst case scenario depression.
2 ______________ Information regarding cases where drug treatment is inappropriate.
3 ______________ Details of how those diagnosed with depression may be more vulnerable than other members of society,
4 ______________ Information about society’s attitudes to depression and similar illnesses.
5 ______________ Information regarding why estimates of incidence of future growth in cases may be overly exaggerated.
Questions 6-8
Choose THREE letters A-G.
Write your answers in boxes 6-8 on your answer sheet.
NB Your answers may be given in any order
Which THREE of the following statements are true of depression?
A Governments have generally failed to take action to educate the general public about the condition.
B The highest reported number of cases are in the USA.
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