雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:flight of the honey
Honeybees are characterised by their ability to produce liquefied sugar (honey) and a propensity to construct colonial nests using wax, two tasks that necessitate a significant level of social integration among members. As a result, they maintain strict divisions of labour, based on sex, with all males functioning as drones to fertilize and care for the eggs, and all females, with the exception of the single fertile queen, responsible for fetching nectar for the colony’s progeny. In addition, honeybees have devised a sophisticated system of communication to relay important information from member to member.
Perhaps the most intriguing feature of honeybee communication is a series of flight moves only performed by a female worker bee that has returned to the nest with nectar and needs to tell the rest of her colony that she has discovered food supplies and where they can be found. This so-called honeybee dance was first interpreted by German zoologist Karl von Frisch in the early 1970s. To facilitate observation, von Frisch and his students built several glass walled hives and marked a collection of worker bees, or foragers, with paint. He then trained those foragers to find nectar at designated sources at various distances from the hives, and when the bees returned he carefully recorded their movements, the angle and direction of their flight, and any additional visual cues offered to the colony. What von Frisch discovered was that each aspect of the dance indicated certain details about the location of the nectar reserves and recruited others to return to the site.
Questions 1-3
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write your answers in boxes 1 – 3 on your answer sheet.
A have a rudimentary ability to convey information.
B have clearly segregated roles.
C are found in equal numbers of male and female.
D often relocate to areas with certain types of flower.
2 Research conducted in the 1970s
A was undertaken using traditional hives.
B determined that forager bees had special markings.
C closely studied the phenomenon of the honeybee body language.
D concluded that there was no discernible pattern to the movement of the bees
3 To identify that the source of nectar is close, forager bees
A will repeatedly fly the same direction.
B will begin to move only when other bees are watching.
C will run straight forward.
D will repeat a pattern of flying in one direction then abruptly reversing direction.
Questions 4-8
Complete the sentences below USING NO MORE THAN TWO AND/OR A NUMBER.
Write your answers in boxes 4- 8 on your answer sheet.
Von Frisch focussed on a number of 4 _________________ clues to deduce how bees communicated.
The bee will move forward for 5 _________________ for every 1000 metres away the food source is.
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