雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:the nature of addiction
A. Many people would perhaps, at least as an immediate response, not consider themselves to be ‘addicts’, yet a closer look into aspects of lifestyle and mental attitude often reveal a far different picture. The main problem at presents that the traditional definition of the word has become blurred and the lines between addiction and interest are far harder to identify. In the past, the label ‘addict’ was generally applied to those with an insatiable appetite for certain substances that were traditional known to be harmful, illegal or both: psychoactive drugs, alcohol and nicotine, for example. More recently, however, we find that a there is a multitude of potential addictions. Gambling, food, work, shopping – all of which are potential areas where addiction can lurk.
B. To try to define the subject of addiction (and in many cases the subsequent course of treatment to best combat it), psychologists now commonly referred to three distinct categories. The first is related to those forms of addictions that are perhaps not life-threatening or particularly dangerous, and are often labelled in an almost tongue-in-cheek manner, such as the consumption of chocolate possibly leading to the creation of a ‘chocoholic’. This category is referred to as soft addiction and is generally related only to a potential loss of productivity; in the workplace, an employee who is addicted to social networking sites is likely to be a less useful member of staff.
C. Substance addiction, however, is a completely different category, and focuses ‘ on ingestion of a drug (either natural or synthetic) to temporarily alter the chemical constitution of the brain. It is a combination of physical and psychological dependency on substances that have known health dangers, and the knock-on problem that users in an addicted state will often go to great lengths to acquire these substances, hence leading to the very strong connection between drug abuse and crime.
D. Finally there is behavioural addiction, which is regarded as ‘a compulsion to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences’ and is a relatively recent entrant to the field. This is where the ‘soft’ addictions taken go beyond a safe limit and can become dangerous. Overeating, especially on sweetened foods, is one of the more common behavioural addictions, potentially leading to morbid obesity and associated health risks. Also included in this grouping are concerns like excessive gambling, and for many the combination of the availability and anonymity of the internet, as well as a plethora of online gambling sites, has led to a vast increase in this form of addiction.
Questions 1-6
Reading Passage 1 has seven paragraphs A-G.
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B to G from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number i-x in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i A change in methods
ii The falling level of addiction
iii Biological changes and associated risks
iv The long term damage of addiction
v Disagreements about definition
vi Advice for those involved
vii The changing nature of addiction in children
viii The lack of clarity in modem interpretations of addiction
ix Modern label for taking addiction to extremes
x Not all addictions are cause for concern
Example: Paragraph A; Answer: viii
1 ____________ Paragraph B
2 ____________ Paragraph C
3 ____________ Paragraph D
4 ____________ Paragraph E
5 ____________ Paragraph F
6 ____________ Paragraph G
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