雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:problem solving and decision making
In the business world, much as in life in general, there are challenges that need to be faced, problems that need solutions and decisions that need to be made and acted upon. Over recent years, the psychology behind problem solving and decision making in a business context has been analysed and taught at a tertiary level.
Marie Scrive, senior lecturer at Carling University, argues that poor management skills can be identified in many arenas, but few are perhaps as illustrative as the ability to make accurate judgements about a course of action to overcome an obstacle. She argues that there is a tendency for decisions to be made quickly, leading to only short term solutions and a recurrence of the problem at a later date. Pressure from other managers, senior staff or even employees can cause those in middle management to make decisions based quickly, reacting at speed to a problem that would have been better solved by a calmer, more inclusive style of management, However, Martin Hewings, author of Strategic Thinking, believes that the root of the issue is not in the speed at which a response is required but in a flawed way of looking at the problem from the outset. His argument is that most repetitive problems are actually not permanently resolved because of a lack of focus as to the true nature of the problem. He advocates a system whereby the problem must be clearly defined before the appropriate course of action can be decided upon, and this is achieved by applying questions to the problem itself: why is this happening? When is this happening? With whom is this happening?
Garen Filke, Managing Director of a large paper supply company, has put Hewings’ steps to the test, and although he referred to the results as ‘potentially encouraging’, there remains the feeling that the focus on who is causing the problem, and this in itself is the main reason for any implemented solution to falter if not fail. With over 30 years of management experience, Filke holds that looking at the problem as an organic entity in itself, without reference to who may be at fault, or at least exacerbating the issue, is the only way to find a lasting solution. Finger-pointing and blaming leads to an uncomfortable work environment where problems grow, and ultimately have a detrimental effect on the productivity of the workplace.
Questions 27-33
Match each statement with the correct person.
Write the correct answer A-D in boxes 27-33 on your answer sheet.
List of People
A Marie Scrive
B Martin Hewings
C Garen Filke
D Anne Wicks
E John Tate
27 ___________ A successful solution can only be found when there is a clear corporate structure for decision making.
28 ___________ Decisions made without full consideration of the details are a potential by-product of pressure.
29 ___________ Decision making that does not look into motives for the issue is the primary reason for continued problems.
30 ___________ Poor decision making is the most easily identified form of weak managerial ability.
31 ___________ Seeking a staff member on whom responsibility can be placed can have negative effects.
32 ___________ Decision making abilities are at least partly formulated long before they have any business application.
33 ___________ Long term solutions can only be found by asking the right questions.
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