what is it and where does it come from?
A Ambergris was used to perfume cosmetics in the days of ancient Mesopotamia and almost every civilization on the earth has a brush with ambergris. Before 1,000 AD, the Chinese nmnes mnbergris as lung sien hiang,"dragons spittle perfume, as they think that it was produced from the drooling of dragons sleeping on rocks at the edge of a sea. The Arabs knew ambergris as anbar believing that it is produced fro springs near seas. It also gets its name from here. For centuries, this substance has also been used as a flavouring for food
B During the Middle Ages, Europeans use runbergris as a remedy ailments. h1 the 1851 whaling novel Moby-Dick, Herman Melville claimed that ambergris was largely used in perfumery. But nobody ever knew where it really came from. Experts were still guessing its origin thousands of years later, until the long ages of guesswork ended in the 1720s, when Nantucket whalers found gobs of the costly material inside the stomachs of spenn whales. Industrial whaling quickly burgeoned. By 20th cent11ry ambergris is mainly recovered from inside the carcasses of spenn whales
C Through colUltless ages, people have found pieces of ru11bergris on sandy beaches. It was named grey 皿1ber to distinguish it from golden amber, another rare treasure. Both of them were among the most sought-after substances in the world, almost as valuable as gold. (Ambergris sells for roughly $20 a grrun, slightly less than gold at $20 a gram) Amber floats in slat water and in old times the origin of both these substru1ces was mysterious. But it turned out that runber and runbergris have little in common.amber is a fossilized resin from tress that was quite familiar to Europeans long before the discovery of the New World, and prized as jewelry. Although considered a gem, runber is a hard, transparent, wholly-organic material derived from the resin of extinct species of trees, mainly pines
D To the earliest Western chroniclers, ambergris was variously thought to come from the srune bituminous sea founts as amber, from the sperm of fishes or whales, from the droppings of strange sea birds (probably because of confusion over the included beaks of squid) or from the large hives of bees living near the sea. Marco Polo was the first Western chronicler who correctly attributed ambergris to spenn whales and its vomit
Classify the following statement as applying to
A Ambergris only
B Amber only
C Both amber and ambergris
D Neither amber nor ambergris
1 being expensive
2 adds flavor to food
3 used as currency
4 could be seen through
5 referred to by Hennan Melville
6 produces sweet smell
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