2016年10月8日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:Museum Blockbuster
A Since the 1980s, the term “blockbuster” has become the fashionable word for special spectacular museum, art gallery or science centre exhibitions. Here is one of some existing definitions of blockbuster: put by Elsen, a blockbuster is a “large scale loan exhibition that people who normally don’t to museums will stand in line for hours to see”. James Rosenfield, writing in Direct Marketing in 1993, has described a successful blockbuster exhibition as a “triumph of both curatorial and marketing skills”. My own definition for blockbuster is “a popular, high profile exhibition on display for a limited period, that attracts the general public, who are prepared to both stand in line and pay a fee in order to partake in the exhibition.” What both Elsen and Rosenfield omit in their descriptions of blockbusters, is that people are prepared to pay a fee to see a “blockbuster”, and that the term blockbuster can just easily apply to a movie or a museum exhibition.
B Merely naming an exhibition or a movie a blockbuster however, does not make it a blockbuster. The term can only apply when the item in question has had an overwhelmingly successful response from the public. However, in literature from both the UK and USA, the other words that also start to appear in descriptions of blockbusters are “less scholarly”, “non-elitist” and “popularist”. Detractors argue that blockbusters are designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, while others extol the virtues of encouraging scholars to cooperate on projects, and to provide exhibitions that cater for a broad selection of the community rather than an elite sector.
C Maintaining and increasing visitor levels is paramount in the new museology. This requires continued product development, not only the creation or hiring of blockbuster exhibitions, but also regular exhibition changes and innovations. In addition, the visiting publics have become customers rather than visitors, and the skills that are valued in museums, science centres and galleries to keep the new customers coming through the door have changed. High on the list of requirements are commercial, business, marketing and entrepreneurial skills. Curators are now administrators. Being a director of an art gallery no longer requires an Art Degree. As succinctly summarised in the Economist in 1994, “business nous and public relation skills” were essential requirements for a director, and also with the ability to compete with other museums to stage travelling exhibitions which draw huge crowds.
D The new museology has resulted in the convergence of museums, the heritage industry, and tourism, profit-making and pleasure-giving. This has given rise to much debate about the appropriateness of adapting the activities of institutions so that they more closely reflect the priorities of the market place and whether it is appropriate to see museums primarily as tourist attractions. At many institutions you can now hold office functions in the display areas, or have dinner with the dinosaurs. Whatever commentators may think, managers of museums, art galleries and science centres worldwide are looking for artful ways to blend culture and commerce, and blockbuster exhibitions are at the top of the list. But while blockbusters are all part of the new museology, there is proof that you don’t need a museum, science centre or art gallery to benefit from the drawing power of a blockbuster or to stage a blockbuster.
Questions 1-4
The reading Passage have seven paragraphs A-H.
Which paragraphs contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-H, in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
1. A reason for changing the exhibition programs.
2. The time people have to wait in a queue in order to enjoy exhibitions.
3. Terms people used when referring to blockbuster
4. There was some controversy over confining target groups of blockbuster.
Questions 5-8
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using no more than three words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 5-8 on your answer sheet.
Instead of being visitors, people turned out to be 5------ ,who require the creation or hiring of blockbuster exhibitions as well as regular exhibition changes and innovations.Business nous and 6------ simply summarized in a magazine are not only important factors for directors, but also an ability to attract a crowd of audiences. 7------ has contributed to the linking of museums, the heritage industry, tourism. Profit-making and pleasure-giving. There occurs some controversy over whether it is proper to consider museums mainly as 8-------- .
2016年10月8日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:Museum Blockbuster,完整版下载,10元有偿!
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