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雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:Organic farming and chemical fertilisers

2020-08-16 来源:ielts.socool100.com

雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:Organic farming and chemical fertilisers

雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:Organic farming and chemical fertilisers

A The world's population continues to climb. And despite the rise of high-tech agriculture, 800 million people don’t get enough to eat.Clearly it's time to rethink the food we eat and where it comes from.Feeding 9 billion people will take more than the same old farming practices, especially if we want to do it without felling rainforests and planting every last scrap of prairie. Finding food for all those people will tax farmers'— and researchers’ 一ingenuity to the limit Yet already, precious aquifers that provide irrigation water for some of the world's most productive farmlands are drying up or filling with seawater, and arable land in China is eroding to create vast dust storms that redden sunset as far away as North America, “Agriculture must become the solution to environmental problems in 50 years. If we donft have systems that make the environment better - not just hold the fort-then we’re in trouble,” says Kenneth Cassman,an agronomist at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. That view was echoed in January by the Curry report, a government panel that surveyed the future of farming and food in Britain.

B It’s easy to say agriculture has to do better,but what should this friendly farming of the future look like? Concerned consumers come up short at this point, facing what appears to be an ever-widening ideological divide, tn one corner are the techno-optimists who put their faith in genetically modified crops, improved agrochemicals and computer-enhanced machinery; in the other are advocates of organic farming, who reject artificial chemicals and embrace back-to-nature techniques such as composting. Both sides cite plausible science to back their claims to the moral high ground, and both bring enough passion to the debate for many people to come away thinking we?re faced with a stark choice between two mutually incompatible options.

C Not so.If you take off the ideological blinkers and simply ask how the world can produce the food it needs with the least environmental cost, a new middle way opens. They key is sustainability: whatever we do must not destroy the capital of soil and water we need to keep on producing. Like today's organic farming, the intelligent farming of the future should pay much more attention to the health of its soil and the ecosystem if s part of. But intelligent farming should also make shrewd and locally appropriate use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. The most crucial ingredient in this new style of agriculture is not chemicals but information about whafs happening in each field and howto respond. Yet ironically, this key element may be the most neglected today.




Questions 1-4

Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-D) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-D in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet A. Vaclav Smil B. Bill Liebhardt C. Kenneth Cassman D. Ron Olson

1. Use of chemical fertilizer can be optimised by combining weather information.

2. Organic framing yield is nearly equal to traditional ones.

3. Better agricultural setting is a significant key to solve environmental tough nut

4. Substantial production loss would happen in case all farmers shifted from using synthetic fertiliser

Questions 5-9

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1

In boxes 5-9 on your answer sheet write

Yes. if the statement agrees with the information

No. if the statement contradicts the information

Not Given, if there is no information on this

5. Increasing population, draining irrigation, eroding farmland push agricultural industry to extremity.

6. There are only two options for farmers; they use chemical fertiliser or natural approach.

7. Chemical fertilizer currently are more expensive than the natural fertilisers.

8. In order to keep nutrient in the soil, organic farmers need to rotate planting method.

9. “organic agriculture” is the way that environment-damaging technologies are atl strictly forbidden.


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