雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:What are you laughing at?
A We like to think that laughing is the height of human sophistication. Our big brains let us see the humour in a strategically positioned punt an unexpected plot twist or a clever piece of word play.But while joking and wit are uniquely human inventions, laughter certainly is not Other creatures, including chimpanzees, gorillas and even rats, chuckle. Obviously, they don’t crack up at Homer Simpson or titter at the boss’s dreadful jokes, but the fact that they laugh in the first place suggests that sniggers and chortles have been around for a lot longer than we have. It points the way to the origins of laughter, suggesting a much more practical purpose than you might think.
B There is no doubt that laughing typical involves groups of people, “Laughter evolved as a signal to others - it almost disappears when we are alone," says Robert Provine, a neuroscientist at the University of Maryland. Provine found that most laughter comes as a polite reaction to everyone remarks such as 'see you later', rather than anything particularly funny. And the way we laugh depends on the company we're keeping. Men tend to laugh longer and harder when they are with other men, perhaps as a way of bonding. Women tend to laugh more and at a higher pitch when men are present, possibly indicating flirtation or even submission.
C To find the origins of laughter, Provine believes we need to look at play. He points out that the masters of laughing are children, and nowhere is their talent more obvious than in the boisterous antics, and the original context is ptay,' he say. Well-known primate watchers, including Dian Fossey and Jane Goodall, have long argued that chimps laugh while at play,The sound they produce is known as a pant laugh. It seems obvious when you watch their behavior - they even have the same ticklish spots as we do. But remove the context, and the parallel between human laughter arid a chimp’s characteristics pant laugh is not so clear. When Provine played a tape of the pant laughs to 119 of his students, for example, only two guessed correctly what it was.
Questions 1-6
Look at the following research findings (questions 1-6) and the list of people below.
Match each finding with the correct person, Af Bf C or D.
Write the correct letter, At Bf C or Dt in boxes 1-6 any our answer sheet NB You may use any letter more than once,
A. Tom Flamson
B. Elke Zimmerman
C. Robert Provine
D. Jaak Panksepp
1. Babies and chimps produce similar sounds of laughter
2. Primates are not the only animals who produce laughter Pan
3. Laughter also suggests that we feel safe and easy with others.
4. Laughter is a response to polite situation instead of humour.
5. Animal laughter evolved before human laughter
6. Laughter is a social activity.
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