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2018年12月1日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:homeopathy-overdosing on nothing

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2018年12月1日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:homeopathy overdosing on nothing

2018年12月1日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:homeopathy overdosing on nothing


An international protest this week aims to demonstrate the truth about homeopathy-that there’s literally nothing in it, says Martin Robbins AT 10.23am on 30 January, more than 300 activists in the UK, Canada, Australia and the US will take part in a mass homeopathic “overdose”. Skeptics will publicly swallow an entire bottle of homeopathic pills to demonstrate to the public that homeopathic remedies, the product of a scientifically unfounded 18th-centuryritual, are simply sugar pills. Many of the skeptics will swallow 84 pills of arsenicum album, a homeopathic remedy based on arsenic which is used to treat a range of symptoms, including food poisoning and insomnia. The aim of the “10:23” campaign, led by the Merseyside Skeptics Society, based in Liverpool, UK, is to raise public awareness of just exactly what homeopathy is, and to put pressure on the UK’s leading pharmacist, Boots, to remove the remedies from sale. The campaign is called 10:23in honor of the Avogadro constant (approximately 6 x 1023, the number of atoms or molecules in one mole of a substance), of which more later.


That such a protest is even necessary in 2010 is remarkable, but somehow the homeopathic industry has not only survived into the 21st century, but prospered. In the UK alone more than £40 million is spent annually on homeopathic treatments, with £4 million of this being sucked from the National Health Service budget. Yet the basis for homeopathy defies the laws of physics, and high-quality clinical trials have never been able to demonstrate that it works beyond the placebo effect.


The discipline is based on three “laws”; the law of similars, the law of infinitesimals and the law of succession. The law of similars states that something which causes your symptoms will cure your symptoms, so that, for example, as caffeine keeps you awake, it can also be a cure for insomnia. Of course, that makes little sense, since drinking caffeine, well, keeps you awake. Next is the law of infinitesimals, which claims that diluting a substance makes it more potent. Homeopaths start by diluting one volume of their remedy arsenic oxide, in the case of arsenicurn album-in 99 volumes of distilled water or alcohol to create a “centesimal”. They then dilute one volume of the centesimal in 99 volumes of water or alcohol, and so on, up to 30 times. Application of Avogadro’s constant tells you that a dose of such a“30C” recipe is vanishingly unlikely to contain even a single molecule of the active ingredient. The third pillar of homeopathy is the law of succession. This states-and I’m not making this up-that by tapping the liquid in a special way during the dilution process, a memory of the active ingredient is somehow imprinted on it. This explains how water is able to carry a memory of arsenic oxide, but apparently not of the contents of your local sewer network.


The final preparation is generally dropped onto a sugar pill which the patient swallows. Homeopaths claim that the application of these three laws results in a remedy that, even though it contains not a single molecule of the original ingredient, somehow carries an “energy signature” of it that nobody can measure or detect. Unsurprisingly, when tested under rigorous scientific conditions, in randomized, controlled and double blind trials, homeopathic remedies have shown to be no better than a placebo. Of course, the placebo effect is quite powerful, but it’s a bit like justifying building a car without any wheels on the basis that you can still enjoy the comfy leather seats and play with the gear shift.



Questions 1-7

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of heading below.

Write the correct number, i-ix, in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i The definition of three laws

ii Quoting three laws to against the homeopathy

iii There are many methods of avoiding answering ambiguous questions.

iv The purpose of illustrating the symptoms of homeopathy

v The constant booming of homeopathy

vi Some differences between homeopathy and placebo

vii Placebo is better than homeopathy

viii A example of further demonstrating the negative effect of homeopathy.

ix The purpose of staging an demonstration to against homeopathy

I Paragraph A

2 Paragraph B

3 Paragraph C

4 Paragraph D

5 Paragraph E

6 Paragraph F

7 Paragraph G


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