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2018年11月3日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:Language Strategy in Multinational Company (

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2018年11月3日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:Language Strategy in Multinational Company (

2018年11月3日雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:Language Strategy in Multinational Company 


The importance of language management in multinational companies has never been greater than today. Multinationals are becoming ever more conscious of the importance of global coordination as a source of competitive advantage and language remains the ultimate barrier to aspirations of international harmonization. Before attempting to consider language management strategies, companies will have to evaluate the magnitude of the language barrier confronting them and in doing so they will need to examine it in three dimensions: the Language Diversity, the Language Penetration and the Language Sophistication. Companies next need to turn their attention to how they should best manage language. There is a range of options from which MNCs can formulate their language strategy.


Lingua Franca: The simplest answer, though realistic only for English speaking companies, is to rely on ones native tongue. As recently as 1991 a survey of British exporting companies found that over a third used English exclusively in dealings with foreign customers. This attitude that “one language fits all” has also been carried through into the Internet age. A survey of the web sites of top American companies confirmed that over half made no provision( 规定条款)for foreign language access, and another found that less than 10% of leading companies were able to respond adequately to emails other than in the company’s language . Widespread though it is however, reliance on a single language is a strategy that is fatally flawed. It makes no allowance for the growing trend in Linguistic Nationalism whereby buyers in Asia, South America and the Middle East in particular are asserting their right to “work in the language of the customer”. It also fails to recognize the increasing vitality of languages such as Spanish, Arabic and Chinese that overtime are likely to challenge the dominance of English as a lingua franca. In the IT arena it ignores the rapid globalization of the Internet where the number of English-language e-commerce transactions, emails and web sites, is rapidly diminishing as a percentage of the total. Finally, the total reliance on a single language puts the English speaker at risk in negotiations. Contracts, rules and legislation are invariably written in the local language, and a company unable to operate in that language is vulnerable.


Functional Multilingualism: Another improvised approach to Language is to rely on what has been termed “Functional Multilingualism”. Essentially what this means is to muddle through, relying on a mix of languages, pidgins and gestures to communicate by whatever means the parties have at their disposal. In a social context such a shared effort to make one another understand might be considered an aid to the bonding process with the frustration of communication being regularly punctuated by moments of absurdity and humor. However, as the basis for business negotiations it appears very hitand-nuts. And yet Hagen’s recent study suggests that 16% of international business transaction; are conducted in a “cocktail of languages.” Functional Multilingualism shares the same defects as reliance on a lingua franca and increases the probability of cognitive divergence between the parties engaged in the communication.



Questions 27-32


Complete the following summary of the Whole Paragraphs of Reading Passage, choosing A-L words from the fbikywing options. Write your answers in boxes 27-32 on your answer sheet.

MNCs often encounter language barrier in their daily strategy, then they seek several approaches to solve such problems. First, native language gives them a realistic base in a different language speaking country, but problem turned up when they deal with oversea____ 27____ . For example, operation on translation of some key________28___, it is inevitable to generate differences by rules from different countries. Another way is to rely on a combination of spoken language and ________ 29___, yet a report written that over one-tenth business_____ 30___ processed in a party language setting. Third way: hire translators. However, firstly it is______31___, besides if they are not well-prepared, they have to resort to his/her own_____ 32___work.

A. gestures

B. clients

C. transaction

D. understanding and assumption

E. accurate

F. documents

G. managers

H. body language

I. long-term

J. effective

K. rivals

L. costly


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