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雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:the coming back of the extinct grass in britain

2020-08-17 来源:

雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:the coming back of the extinct grass in britain

雅思阅读真题+题目+答案:the coming back of the extinct grass in britain

A Its Britain's dodo, called interrupted brome because of its gappy seed-head, this unprepossessing grass was found nowhere else in the world. Sharp-eyed Victorian botanists were the first to notice it and by the 1920s the odd-looking grass had been found across much of southern England. Yet its decline was just as dramatic. By 1972 it had vanished from its last toehold-two hay fields at Pampisford near Cambridge. Even the seeds stored at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden as an insurance policy were dead7 having been mistakenly kept at room temperature. Botanists mourned: a unique living entity was gone forever.

B Yet reports of its demise proved premature. Interrupted brome has come back from the dead, and not through any fancy genetic engineering. Thanks to one green-fingered botanist, interrupted brome is alive and well and living as a pot plant Britain's dodo is about to become a phoenixr as conservationists set about relaunching itscareer in the wild.

C At first Philip Smith was unaware that the scrawny pots of grass on his bench were all that remained of a uniquely British species. But when news of the "extinction" of Bromus interruptus finally reached him, he decided to astonish his colleagues. He seized his opportunity at a meeting of the Botanical Society of the British Isles in Manchester in 1979, where he was booked to talk about his research on the evolution of the brome grasses. It was sadr he saidr that interrupted brome had become extinct, as there were so many interesting questions botanists could have investigated. Then he whipped out two enoimous pots of it. The extinct grass was very much alive.

D It turned out that Smith had collected see ds from the brome’s last refuge at Pampisford in l963,shortly before the species disappeared from the wild altogether.Ever since then, Smith had grown the grass on7 year after year. So in the end the hapless grass survived not through some high-powered conservation scheme or fancy genetic manipulation^ but simply because one man was interested in it. As Smith points out interrupted brome isn't particularly attractive and has no commercial value. But to a plant taxonomist thats not what makes a plant interesting.

E The brome's future, at least in cultivation now seems assured. Seeds from Smith's plants have been securely stored in the state-of-the-art Millennium Seed Bank at Wake hurst Place in Sussex. And living plants thrive at the botanic gardens at Kew, Edinburgh and Cambridge. This year7 "bulking up" is under way to make sure there are plenty of plants in all the gardens and sacksful of seeds are being stockpiled at strategic sites throughout the country.

F The brome's relaunch into the British countryside is next on the agenda. English Nature has included interrupted brome in its Species Recovery Programme and it is on track to be reintroduced into the agricultural landscape, if friendly farmers can be found. Alas, the grass is neither pretty nor useful — in fact it is undeniably a weed, and a weed of a crop that nobody grows these days, at that. The brome was probably never common enough to irritate farmers, but no one would value it today for its productivity or its nutritious qualities. As agrass, it leaves agriculturalists cold.



Questions 1~7

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1

In boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement is true

FALSE if the statement is false

NOT GIVEN if the information in not given in the passage

1. The name for interrupted brome is very special as its head shaped like a sharp eye

2. Interrupted brome thought to become extinct because there were no live seed even in a labs condition.

3. Philip Smith comes from University of Cambridge.

4. Reborn of the interrupted brome is attributed more to scientific meaning than seemingly aesthetic or commercial ones

5. English nature will operate to recover interrupted brome on the success of survival in Kew.

6. Interrupted Brome grow poorly in some competing modern agricultural environment with other plants

7. Media publicity plays a significant role to make interrupted brome continue to exist



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