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2015年5月16日雅思小作文范文:The diagram shows the steps of processing cocoa beans

2020-08-29 来源:

2015年5月16日雅思小作文范文:The diagram shows the steps of processing cocoa beans

2015年5月16日雅思小作文范文:The diagram shows the steps of processing cocoa beans



The flow chart illustrates how to process cocoa beans into different products.

It is clear that there are three stages in this process, from the initial whole beans to the final products on the market.

At the first stage, the whole beans are picked from the cacao tree. After being picked, their outer shells are removed and they are dried for the next stage. Stage two consists of many steps. On the one hand, some of the dried beans are processed into coca cake, and then in the next stage, ***/theses cakes(单词不确定,*代替)are ground into cocoa powder and cocoa liquor, which are the raw material for making a variety of cakes and drinks. On the other hand, other beans would be mixed with sugar to produce industrial chocolate. Finally, these finished chocolate would be sold to the consumer.



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  • 2015年5月16日雅思小作文范文:The diagram shows the steps of processing cocoa beans
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