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2015年9月12日雅思写作范文:Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other res

2020-09-08 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2015年9月12日雅思写作范文:Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources (e.g. Internet or TV).Do you agree or disagree?

2015年9月12日雅思写作范文:Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources (e.g. Internet or TV).Do you agree or disagree?



Pupils in this day and age are bombarded with an enormous amount of data, whereby they must sift through to determine which information is accurate. Due to living in the Information Age, the traditional student-teacher relationship has been altered and youth are increasingly more responsible for obtaining value in their education.

Teachers have the capability of explaining points in a deeper way and not only provide theoretical knowledge but also practical experience about life. Moreover, professors have accumulated a large body of intelligence that is profoundly more precise than other sources, specifically as their expert opinions trump the unverified perspectives found in various forms of media. The conventional role of instructors, in this day and age, has evolved to become evaluators and facilitators, guiding students in their academic and personal efforts.



The updated understanding of study and the cutting-edge technology usher in an era when the students can have a variety of ways to acquire knowledge. Although there are other forms to obtain knowledge and information, I am still the proponent of the belief that students can learn more from their teachers than other resources.

Study, to some degrees, is not a one-way input of knowledge, while it is the procedure of mutual interaction between teachers and students. In the conventional teaching and learning mode, the teachers and the students co-exist in an environment where they can have timely interaction. This means teachers can have a more comprehensive and directly understanding of their students’ shortcomings and strong points, which guarantees that students can learn more from the courses that are tailored to their needs





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  • 2015年9月12日雅思写作范文:Students in school or university learn more from classes of tea
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