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2015年11月7日雅思写作范文A卷:School leavers go travelling or work before they go directly to university

2020-09-08 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2015年11月7日雅思写作范文A卷:School leavers go travelling or work before they go directly to university,are there more advantages or disadvantage on their study? 有些高中毕业生在升入大学之前会工作旅行一段时间,是否对于学生是利大于弊?

2015年11月7日雅思写作范文A卷:School leavers go travelling or work before they go directly to university,are there more advantages or disadvantage on their study? 有些高中毕业生在升入大学之前会工作旅行一段时间,是否对于学生是利大于弊?



Such is human nature to explore the unknown and challenge themselves,that is why a great many high school leavers are fond of traveling or working for a period of time before attending dream universities. Conflicting ideas clash in determining whether or not it is feasible to inspire high school graduates to experience the Grand Tour. As I see it, the merits of experiencing the gap year outshine the potential demerits.

Virtually, numerous merits could be gained via taking a year off before going to colleges. The most glaring benefit is that teenagers could relieve their strain and stress triggered by tight academic study. After all, feasting their eyes on the stunning landscape could sweeten their lives. Imaginably, enjoying the eye-catching scenery could add 



Before the beginning of university, students who wish to continue with their education face two probable choice--either suspend their study for a year to obtain work and travel experience, or go directly into university. I will analyze the pros and cons of these two choices below.

A year’s time to work or travel before university has been popular among young people in recent years. In fact, students can obtain several good points by doing this. To begin with, students can enhance their life skills and maintain a balance between their studies and work from the one yeat experience. They will become more independent during this meaningful process. Also, they can identify career preference and areas of interests during travelling, which will help them to decide their major in university.





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