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2016年4月30日雅思写作范文:People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other

2020-09-10 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2016年4月30日雅思写作范文:People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2016年4月30日雅思写作范文:People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Although age is really a factor that heavily influences people’s choices of buying things, yet such influences are usually minimal compared with other factors. Those who believe age can play a predominant role in people’s shopping habits are misguided. Actually, advertising, culture and financial income are more mighty and more influential.

Advertising’s power is so strong that it can easily break consumers’ fragile psychological defence. Whether you believe it or not, almost everything you have purchased and every item on your shopping list is the result of modern advertising strategies. Advertising is the very reason why you prefer a particular brand of jeans or T-shirts over other similar but cheaper ones. The influence is usually so subtle, persuasive and intelligent that you can hardly notice it.



In today’s world, one’s purchasing behavior is determined by various factors, including peer influence, family members’ shopping habits, advertising and so on. It is hard to decide which one single factor plays a dominant role.

There’s no doubt that peer interaction exerts an unneglectable influence on ordinary people, particularly on adolescents. These young people are eager to seek a sense of belonging, and thus they look to people of their age for what clothes to wear, what electronic gadgets to use, what places to go to, etc. The similar situation also occurs to some women in their late 50s to 60s. It is because they like socializing during their spare time such as participating in a square dance, a typical phenomenon in China. On such an occasion, they share a lot of common topics, including what to buy.





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