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2016年8月13日雅思小作文范文:The diagram below show the percentage of population under 5 and over 65 from 1950

2020-09-12 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2016年8月13日雅思小作文范文:The diagram below show the percentage of population under 5 and over 65 from 1950 to 2040.The table compares the population percentage of people over 65 in different regions.

2016年8月13日雅思小作文范文:The diagram below show the percentage of population under 5 and over 65 from 1950 to 2040.The table compares the population percentage of people over 65 in different regions.


Projection of population percentage of people over 65


雅思小作文范文 如下:

The two types of graphs uncover the aging trends  globally and regionally.

The line graph reveals the global proportions of  seniors and children from 1950 to predictions in 2040. Since 1950, the figure  for seniors, starting at 5%, increased gradually while that for children,  beginning at 13%, decreased after an initial rise, and the two lines  intersect at 8% in 2016. From 2020 to 2040, it is projected that the elderly  will continue to grow more dramatically at 15% while the toddlers will drop  to 7%.





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  • 2016年8月13日雅思小作文范文:The diagram below show the percentage of population under 5 an
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