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2016年10月22日雅思写作范文:In some countries, the criminal trials are shown on TV and the general public can

2020-09-12 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2016年10月22日雅思写作范文:In some countries, the criminal trials are shown on TV and the general public can watch them. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

2016年10月22日雅思写作范文:In some countries, the criminal trials are shown on TV and the general public can watch them. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?



While enjoying the economic and cultural progress brought by the irreversible trend of urbanization, many countries usually have to face climbing crime rate. To deter criminals and educate the public, some TV programs broadcast the trials. In my mind, though there are downsides, it can be an effective way to curb the growth of crime rate.

Admittedly, the violent and cruel scenes and scenarios revealed during the criminal trials may stimulate and scare the public, or even worse arouse some audiences’ curiosity to imitate. The analysis of crimes, such as fraud, murder and arson, will include details about how a criminal has planned and carried out his crime. Unavoidably, there will be quarrels, fights, and blood on the screen. While timid audiences feel it disgusting and even have nightmare, audacious ones may find inspiration and methods to realize their own evil purposes through crime. Consequently, the programs of crime trials, designed to warn the public, become courses teaching how to commit crimes.



The transparency of judicial system is best reflected in the live streaming of court trials, a practice that allows the general population to examine, if not critically scrutinize, the inner workings of the court process under the microscope. Some may embrace such change as an epic moment deserving of lavish praises while others are utterly concerned about the unforeseen ramifications of the practice. Upon a careful evaluation, I believe the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

The airing of court trials on media, which still remains entirely inconceivable in some deeply corrupt, graft-ridden authoritarians countries, is a conspicuous sign of progress towards greater transparency and freedom of knowledge, two key indicators of the justice and equality in measuring a particular country. If the entire legal proceedings are carried out behind the scenes and details kept highly confidential, suspicions will inevitably arise: have both the prosecutors and defendant been treated equally in accordance with legal procedures? Can we fully trust the judgment of the panel of juries, or the final verdict of the judge for that matter? Has the evidence, whether strongly suggestive or circumstantial, submitted to the court been interpreted in an unbiased fashion or unfairly bent in favor of either side? Or even worse: is there a formal legal trial at all? These doubts or rumors will not be completely dispelled unless the public gains exclusive knowledge of the whole legal process. And airing trials on TV adequately meets that need by unveiling the mysteries shrouding court actions, appeasing hurtful rumors – quite probably unwarranted – that threaten to undermine public trust and confidence in the governmental bodies, and, most importantly, guaranteeing fairness to those involved in the case.





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