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2016年12月15日雅思写作范文:Some people think international cooperation has brought benefits to world environm

2020-09-12 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2016年12月15日雅思写作范文:Some people think international cooperation has brought benefits to world environmental protection, while others believe more benefits have been brought to international business. Discuss both these views and give your ownopinion.

2016年12月15日雅思写作范文:Some people think international cooperation has brought benefits to world environmental protection, while others believe more benefits have been brought to international business. Discuss both these views and give your ownopinion.

















In no other time in history have we witnessed such close collaboration between nations. International cooperation happens in many domains and brings mutual benefits to all participants. Environment conservation and world trade development are two major contribution of close cooperation in international arena.

To begin with, the cohesive cooperation between countries makes possible the rapid increase of trades and hence flourishing economy. Globally, there is uneven distribution of natural resources, huge disparity between rich and poor, and obvious difference in technology development, which necessitate the cooperation, namely the exchange of resources. For example, Russia, a large country rich in natural resources but poor in agriculture, exports oil and natural gas and imports vegetables, fruits and meats. Moreover, the collaboration between countries enables large corporations to outsource globally, so as to maximally reduce costs by setting up manufactories at the place close to raw materials or possessing cheap labor forces.



Globalization is blurring the transnational borders in ways that were previously inconceivable(之前无法想象的): multinational corporations are operating across several continents, wielding far more power(影响力很大) than many sovereign states do; the annual international climate change conferences are held annually, as world’s most powerful leaders congregate to discuss green strategies. While some may claim that the business world is the greatest beneficiary(受益者)of global collaboration, others argue that greater advances have – probably contrary to the popular belief shared by many(跟很多人预想的不一样) – been made on the forefront of combating environmental woes.

Soaring volumes of global trades, often measured in trillions of dollars, and unimpeded, multilateral flow of fleets of cargoes loaded with exotic imports across international waters owe much to(要感谢,因为) the willingness of countries to cooperate. Given the inherent geographic, demographic, or financial limitations, the majority of countries worldwide are incapable of harnessing adequate resources(聚集足够多的资源) to fare well independent of external support. By redefining division of labor on a global scale, each country could capitalize on(利用...赚钱) its existing strengths in the few areas where maximum productivity can be achieved, and trade the spare for commodities they are in dire need of. In this way, the valuable resources are most concentrated in the hands of the skilled and transported, probably thousands of miles, to places where the end-products are most needed. The financial well-being of those involved can thus be significantly improved: more employment opportunities are generated on the supply side and a better quality of life on the receiving ends(接收方,这里指的是产品出口的地方的人们). Without economic collaboration on such a massive scale, much of the world – except for the few blessed with fertile land and wise governmental leadership - would be likely to be embroiled in starvation(忍受饥饿).






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