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2016年12月17日雅思写作范文:Some people think that getting old is entirely bad.

2020-09-12 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2016年12月17日雅思写作范文:Some people think that getting old is entirely bad. However, others think that life of the elderly in modern world is much easier than in the past. Discuss both views andgive your own opinion.

2016年12月17日雅思写作范文:Some people think that getting old is entirely bad. However, others think that life of the elderly in modern world is much easier than in the past. Discuss both views andgive your own opinion.



Memory loss, dementia, loss of mobility and loneliness may be the terms when people think about getting old. These terms are so horrifying that the concept of aging seems so bleak and morose. But is it true that there is nothing positive about getting old?

Actually, I think senectitude is the time when people can fully enjoy their lives because senior citizens not only are finally free from their busy and stressful work, but also enjoy the assets for which they have been fighting for so many years. Besides, all of their children have grown up so they do not need to worry about nurturing children anymore, neither. In this phase of life, no more external restrictions can bother this adulthood, so he/she can have the opportunity to realize what he/ she has been dreaming for so long.



The relentless quest of(不懈追求)elixir of longevity(长生不老药) embarked upon ancient rulers across different civilizations provides a clue to (告诉我们…)the immense fear people have held for old age, the inevitable decline of physical well-being, and the onset of death associated with it. While such pessimism still prevails, others believe that contemporary graying population is faring much better than (fare作动词,表示过的好不好) our ancestors.

Granted, as humans approach the terminal phase (最终阶段, terminally ill指的就是因为重病将要死去的人)of their life, they are doomed to (注定…这个词用于指不好的事情) suffer from a host of physical and mental maladies that have eluded most before: many end up hospital-bound(在医院躺着,住院), subject to doses of medications and tablets of drugs that are meant to only prolong their lifespan (只是延续寿命)rather than improve it. Eventually, they would either be overcome by(被击败)the insufferable illnesses or left to wither(枯萎,死亡)without the drugs when their savings are rapidly depleted (耗尽)by exorbitant(昂贵的,expensive同义词) medical fees. Unfortunately, it is not the worst-case-scenario (这不是最坏情况). Death is barely unanticipated – immortality(长生不老) is. It isthe mental and psychological breakdown(精神崩溃)that is held accountable for why the elderly people often succumb to their fate(认命) without putting up a fight. Ageing is customarily employed(used同义词,被用来)by many pensioners as a pretext (接口)for their reluctance to pick up a new skill set demanded by the ever-changing society – basic computer operations for instance – or pursue their unfulfilled ambitions. Instead, many would just pass the time (消磨时光)with a few hobbies or old friends of theirs.





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