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2017年3月30日雅思写作范文:In the past, people stored knowledge in books. However, people are storing knowledg

2020-09-16 来源:

2017年3月30日雅思写作范文:In the past, people stored knowledge in books. However, people are storing knowledge on the internet. Do advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages?

2017年3月30日雅思写作范文:In the past, people stored knowledge in books. However, people are storing knowledge on the internet. Do advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages?

雅思写作大作文范文 两篇奉上!


For the longest time, books were the cheapest form of education possible. Not only are they fairly inexpensive compared to the amount of knowledge poured into them, they are widely available and can be passed around from one person to the next. But this is changing. Now the Internet is replacing them as the cheapest form of education. Cheaper, faster, more relevant, searchable – all of these qualities tip the scales in favor of the Internet over books.

One factor that facilitates the popularity of the Internet is its availability. The Internet facility is available almost in every nook and corner of the world. Moreover, the availability of this facility on our cell phones has made the path easier and saves people from carrying books or visiting the library miles away.

In addition, by storing knowledge online people can search and get what they want much quicker. Once you have some direction in where you want to go with the internet, you can find it out instantly via search engines at no cost.



In the current era, knowledge can be preserved on the Internet. Some people may argue that there exist more drawbacks when books are substituted by the Internet in terms of storing knowledge, but I cannot agree with this opinion.

Admittedly, users may be confused about knowledge on the Internet. Most authors hold a serious attitude towards publishing a book and will be responsible for what they write in their books. However, since the Internet is open to everyone, many amateurs pretend to be masters in some domains and deliberately spread incorrect information, which brings difficulties to beginners since they may not tell the different between right and wrong. Nevertheless, there still exist more merits if information is preserved on the Internet.





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