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2017年4月20日雅思小作文范文:The plans below the information on the first floor of a particular library in 1995

2020-09-17 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2017年4月20日雅思小作文范文:The plans below the information on the first floor of a particular library in 1995 and the same area at the present time.Select the main features shown below and give comparison where relevant.

2017年4月20日雅思小作文范文:The plans below the information on the first floor of a particular library in 1995 and the same area at the present time.Select the main features shown below and give comparison where relevant.


2020年4月20日<a href=http://ielts.socool100.com/write/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>雅思小作文范文</a>:The plans below the information on the first floor of a particular library in 1995 and the same area at the present time.


The maps illustrate the changes made to the first floor of a library between 1995 and now.

In 1995, the library consisted of eight sections. In the center of the library sat a newspaper and study table with several chairs in their surroundings and a book display section next to it. To the east of the table a librarian’s desk could be found, which was located beside a section full of photocopiers. Meanwhile, a section for computers without internet service was situated to the west of the table, to the south of which lay a section for local reference books. On the far north end, there was a section for reference books and maps.





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  • 2017年4月20日雅思小作文范文:The plans below the information on the first floor of a partic
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