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2017年10月14日雅思小作文范文:The following table shows the number of five European nations living in each coun

2020-09-19 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2017年10月14日雅思小作文范文:The following table shows the number of five European nations living in each country in 2011

2017年10月14日雅思小作文范文:The following table shows the number of five European nations living in each country in 2011



The table depicts the number of people inhabiting each other's countries among five European Union provinces.

A total of 3298000.00 people among five European countries are residing in a country other than their place of origin. Poland has the largest number of citizens living in another country with 1,168,000 of its citizens living in Spain, Italy, Germany, or the United Kingdom. Of those 1168,000 Polish emigrants, the largest group holds a domicile in Great Britain with 555,000 occupants. Germany also holds a large amount of Polish settlers with 426.000 Polish aliens. Italy has 106,000 dwellers from Poland. While this number is far less than those entering Germany and the UK, Italy contains far more Polish guests than those from the other three states. Poland has many citizens migrating to other European countries, but few from other European countries arc migrating to Poland. Only 6000 of the 3,298,000.00 Europeans living in other countries are in Poland. Of those 6000, 4,400 are originating from Germany, 760 are originating from Britain, 670 are originating from Italy, and a mere 170 are originating from Spain.





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  • 2017年10月14日雅思小作文范文:The following table shows the number of five European nations
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