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2017年11月25日雅思写作范文:As the major cities continue to grow, what kind of problems may the young people f

2020-09-19 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2017年11月25日雅思写作范文:As the major cities continue to grow, what kind of problems may the young people face? How to solve these problems?

2017年11月25日雅思写作范文:As the major cities continue to grow, what kind of problems may the young people face? How to solve these problems?


The younger generation is often disproportionately affected by urban growth. However, a greater awareness of the key issues that they face can result in the generation of potential solutions.


In many cities, urban growth is often associated with the proliferation of low-quality housing. Young people tend to earn less than older, and consequently more experienced, colleagues, and furthermore, they have had less time to save. As a result, the young are less able to afford comfortable accommodation and more likely to live in sub-standard dwelling units.






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