2018年12月13日雅思写作范文:Some people believe that young people know about international pop and movie stars they like, but they know less about famous people from the history in their own country. Why is this? How can more interest be created in young people to gain more knowledge about their own famous people from history?
Over the past fifty years, with the advent of first television and subsequently new media, there has been an explosion of interest in the lives of celebrities. Icon worship and celebrity adulation are common features of today's young, and many regard this as a negative development, as the young people in question have less interest in important historical figures. This firstly will explore the reasons of this phenomena and then will provide some suggestions to draw young people's attention to the historical figures in their country.
As already noted, the arrival of mass media, particularly television and cinema, have contributed to the craze of celebrity worship. The lives of celebrities are of interest to many young people for a variety of reasons. Clebrities often represent an idealised form of human existence, with their exuberant wealth and lavish lifestyles acting as an example many people wish to aspire to. This creates a sense among young people that the celebrities in question live lives that are perhaps unrealistic for other people to live up to, but they seek to emulate nonetheless.
It has to be admitted that the majority of youngsters in contemporary society have a clearer picture of(清楚了解)international pop and movie starts, but gain little information about(所知甚少) national celebrities in history. Hence,it is imperative that we should analyze possible reasons giving rise to this phenomenon objectively and figure out effective remedies(原因措施类文章首段末句套句).
Form my own perspective, the causes of this phenomenon are manifold(多元化). To be specific, in a mass-media culture and information age, well-known figures , such as pop and movie stars on the international stage, are usually more visible and familiar than historical people in a country. As a consequence, the young are inclined to (倾向于) have stronger feelings for celebrities across the world who appear on mass media a great deal more often than their counterparts(对应物) who lived in the past.
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