2019年1月19日雅思小作文范文:The maps show the proposed change of a particular field in order to reduce the traffic accidents in the UK.
地理变迁题的main features是主要地点或事物相对位置的描写和图中事物主要变化的描写。Detail paragraph 1描写第一个图,围绕地图的布局和一些设施的想到位置进行写作;Detail paragraph 2描写第二个图,围绕主要变化进行写作,图中的变化主要是以下三个方面:
1. Low Lane变成断头路;
2. City Road与Forest Road的十字路口改造成环形路;
3. 三处频繁发生事故的地点消失。
The maps illustrate a suggested plan to redevelop an area in the UK to eliminate traffic accidents.
At present, running through the area from the north to the south is Forrest Road, while City Road crosses it from the west to the east. The western side of City Road leads to a school in the northwest, and to a residential area, which is cut through by Low Lane, in the southwest. Meanwhile, a supermarket is situated to the east of Forrest Road, and it can also be accessed via City Road. As seen, frequent accidents usually take place in the west of City Road, just in front of the school; at the spot where Forrest Road intersects with City Road; and at the junction of the city road with the pathway to the supermarket.
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