2019年7月27日雅思写作范文:Some people give their children everything that their children ask for or they want to.Is this good for children?What could be the consequences for these children when they grow up?
part 1:溺爱不好。部分父母认为to满足孩子需求is to给他们最好的爱。
1. 父母be overwhelmed with工作,很少陪伴。觉得给孩子最好的物质条件并且顺着孩子心意,是爱他们。
2.也有些父母,出于尊重,支持孩子的兴趣爱好,如支持学舞蹈,支持创业。但大多数孩子distinguishing ability不足,想要玩游戏,而spoil他们会造成沉迷,due to which浪费学习的光阴。甚至gambling,暴力,drug-using等,一定不能允许。
part 2:对孩子们未来造成undesirable/irrevocable effects.
1.excessively的物质如小到零食和玩具,大到电子产品等全部满足,可能造成compare unrealistically和不正常消费观money-oriented value,长大后甚至经济犯罪。而且过多消费也造成浪费。
It is not unusual to find that some parents spoil their children by satisfying whatever they ask .As for me,this is not a good parenting style,and it has a range of negative influences on their children in the long term.
While there is no doubt that parents show a great deal of love to their offspring,over-indulgence is definitely not good for children.Actually,parenting is based on loving children rather than spoiling them. If parents want to raise respectful and well-bahaved children,I think a certain kind of discipline is necessary. This is because the little kids would behave with no awareness of boundaries or control.That may explain why spoiled children are on the rise in modern society as plenty of parents are overly permissive.
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