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2014年7月10日雅思写作范文:Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialised facil

2020-07-18 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2014年7月10日雅思写作范文:Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialised facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

2014年7月10日雅思写作范文:Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialised facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?


Nowadays many countries prefer to spend a large amount of money on the preparation for the international sporting contests while the investment on sports facilities for local communities is severely insufficient. Personally I do not agree with their spending policy.

The drawbacks of this practice are obvious. First, overemphasizing on the training of a minority of top athletes means inattention to construction of mass sports. For example, in many countries where the significance of regular exercise has not been recognised and sports venues are unavailable, obesity-related diseases are likely to occur more frequently. If the government allocates funds to invest on sports infrastructure, more people will participate in the sports and their health will improve accordingly. This is particularly true for young children who might easily develop a passion for a certain sport at an early age and probably become very talented professional athletes in the future.

Another defect of elite sports is the underuse of sports facilities. For instance, many venues tailor-made for training international sports competitors initially are often unoccupied and closed to the public after the sports events, causing unnecessary waste. In contrast, children in many schools lack spacious playgrounds and activity facilities.

On the other hand, we know with advanced training facilities top athletes are more likely to win honors for their country. Also, gold medals and championship would arouse a sense of pride and stimulate people's interest for the sports activity. However, only a few top athletes ' excellent performance during the sports contest does not mean that the country possesses a high level of sports quality. If every individual in the country cannot enjoy the pleasure of sports, there is a long way to go before the country can claim that it achieved sports success.

In sum, I think there is nothing wrong to provide specialised training for top athletes, but we should not neglect the needs of daily exercise for ordinary citizens. Therefore, everyone, particularly the young children should be encouraged to participate in sports and it is the government's responsibility to provide them with facilities and venues they need.




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