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2014年10月18日雅思写作范文:It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about other cultures.

2020-07-18 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2014年10月18日雅思写作范文:It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about other cultures. We can learn as much as from books, films and internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2014年10月18日雅思写作范文:It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about other cultures. We can learn as much as from books, films and internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Since airplanes enable us to travel beyond the national boundary, international tourism has been significantly boosted. Those exotic views and cultures appeal us so much that even books, films and the abundant resource on the Internet cannot satisfy our little heart of curiosity and adventure.

Obviously the knowledge of other cultures can be acquired by printed and electronic materials. Book readers, movie audience or Internet surfers are able to gain substantial information about numerous foreign countries at their fingertips without any infliction of exhausting flight or expensive cost. The easy and cheap access to the archives about cultures in the world on BBC or National Geography allows ordinary people to learn about and understand those people who live where we may never set foot in our life. Another merit of such practice is environmentally friendliness, which is an important consideration today when the environment degradation is getting alarming.

However, viewing on a page or screen cannot be compared with travelling in the real world in some ways. People traveling abroad physically tend to gain in-depth understanding of a particular culture based on their first-hand personal experiences. It is the local food we taste, the little chat we make on the street and the goods displayed in an antique store that is defined as 。。。。




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  • It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about other cultures.
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