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2014年10月25日雅思小作文范文:The maps below show a community centre 10years agao and today. 10 years ago

2020-07-18 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2014年10月25日雅思小作文范文:The maps below show a community centre 10years agao and today.
2014年10月25日雅思小作文范文:The maps below show a community centre 10years agao and today.  


10 years ago


The two maps show the layout changes of a community center since 10 years ago.

Ten years ago, a hall with 100 seats was centred by all the other facilities in the community centre and the most important one was a stage for performance to the north of the hall. These two sections constituted the entertainment area of the centre and took up more than a third of the total. To the south was the reception, facing to the entrance and backed on to a coffee bar and a toilet. To the east were three parts, four offices in the northern part and a storage room in the middle and a small kitchen in the south. To the west was an open air garden and a car park.

Today the community centre has been rearranged. The hall is maintained but the stage has gone, giving way to a storage and toilets. The previous bar behind the reception has been substituted by an office. The 。。。。。。





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