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2014年12月4日雅思写作范文:Some people say that it’s better to teach language students in small classes, other

2020-07-19 来源:ielts.socool100.com

2014年12月4日雅思写作范文:Some people say that it’s better to teach language students in small classes, others think the number of people does not matter. Discuss and give your own opinion.
2014年12月4日雅思写作范文:Some people say that it’s better to teach language students in small classes, others think the number of people does not matter. Discuss and give your own opinion.


Language learning is one of the focuses of research because it is a complex process. In some countries, students tend to be divided into small classes when learning a language while in China, language classes have nothing different from any other subject in terms of size. As for my personal view, the size of a class depends on the age of students.

Small classes suit young children, who learn language skills highly depend on the modeling and feedback of the teachers. The more interaction and communication between them, the better children acquire language skills. The most obvious reason for this can be that the individual response and attention from the teacher can satisfy to a larger degree the need of each student in a class of 20 students and impresses on them what they are learning compared with a class of 40. Class organization and control is another concern. Primary students tend to lack self- discipline and require more intense supervision, so a small language class should be more effective than a large one.

On the other hand, the size of a class does not matter for older learners. They are self-controlled in attention and motivation, which makes a large class possible. In addition, they are self-dependent in learning language rather than totally relying on the instructor. They have developed their own learning patterns and self-learning ability, and the class instruction mainly plays the role of guidance. They can 。。。。




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